Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4m at Harvard.

Good run. Hard to estimate distance. Easy jog with boxing team.

Friday, March 27, 2009

6.2m at McDonogh

0.0 - 1.0: 7:25
1.0 - 2.0: 8:49
2.0 - 2.45: 4:20
2.45 - 3.1: 6:36
3.1 - 3.75: 6:28
3.75 - 4.2: 4:30
4.2 - 5.2: 9:50
5.2 - 6.2: 9:12

Total: 57:41
Pace: 9:18

Weekly mileage total: 29.05

Not too shabby for Week 1. I can't go as crazy this coming week because I have a race on April 5.

Good stuff.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some Past Race Stories from other blogs

Pikesville Charity 5K (July 2008)
Speaking of races, I ran the Pikesville Charity 5K on Sunday morning and I ran a 25:49. Considering that my all time PR (personal record) was a 26:28 on a 3 mile course from high school, I was quite enthused.

City of Cambridge 5-Miler (Spring 2008)
Wow -- so today, I stomached it, got up early, and bared the freezing cold to run a 5 mile race, which I think is the longest race on foot I have completed to date. It was so cold out there at the start, it was insane. Considering that I haven't run much at all recently, I would have been overjoyed with a time of 45:00, or 9-minute miles, which is great for me. I was really tired, but I put it all out there and somehow my first split was 7:36. I was so happy. That is the fastest mile split I have ever run in a 3-mile race, so for 5 miles it felt even more surprising. I was a little bit worried so I knew I had to cool it. The course moved on (we were still on road) and finally we made it to the biggest pond ever (Fresh Pond) and I got my 2 mile split of 16:18. It was also a water stop and I knew I needed some energy so I took water for the first time ever in a race, drank it, and threw the cup down. I felt guilty about throwing the cup, but whatever. So the pond is kind of dragging along, and some old guy was reading the 3 mile split and he wasn't speaking so that anyone could hear him so I missed it, and I was kind of bummed about that. I kept trucking though and I felt really good about what I was doing. at the end of the 4th mile, the run was wearing on me, and I was getting really tired. And then it happened. The guy reads my 4 mile split and I am hoping for something close to 36 or 37, and he says, in the thickest accent that I will never forget, "Thoyty-five oh-two". 35:02! I know I have to do this. If I can run a 9 minute mile, I will be safely within 45. I started to pump at that point. I was passing people, chugging more water stops, capitalizing on downhills, and making my way through the 5th mile. I did not see my exact final time, but I did see that I finished in the low 43:20's. I'll get the time from the online results later. Regardless, it was really neat to run, really neat to escape from campus and get a real feel of what Cambridge is life, and get perspective on a great Sunday morning. Wow. 43:20. That is essentially the pace I ran my last race in the fall, except for 5-miles instead of 3. It means something good has happened between those two races. I am quite thrilled and motivated to burn that fat and achieve my fitness goals. What a rush.

5.25m at McDonogh.

Went through the 2-mile in 16:15.
Had to stop at 4 miles because my legs gave.
But I came through with an easy 5m according to Matt Hellauer's calculations.
Great run.
I think I'm going to have to x-train tomorrow so that I don't naufrag myself big time.
Dayum -- 22.85 miles in 4 days, that's amazingggg hahah. That has to be a record. Every time I have done a long run I usually stop running for the length of the movie Ben-Hur, squared.

Monday, March 23, 2009

3.5m at McDonogh.

Great run today.
1600 - 7:30
800 - 3:40
3 x 200
8 x 100
= 5600 meters = 3.5 miles.
Plus ab stuff and stretching.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

4m at McDonogh.

I just did a 4 mile run at McD.
I did a 3.8 mile loop and added 4 striders and some ab work at the end.
I would have time reports like yesterday's run but I was not as skilled at timing this time. I do know my mile 2 was in 8:15 though, which is pretty good considering how casual I was about it. My quads are hurting now though. Wow. Great runs.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Other recent updates.

Recently did a 4 mile workout in 31 minutes.
Ran a 6:36 mile on the treadmill.

The City of Cambridge 5-miler is coming up on April 5th. It would be amazing to break 40 on that.

I'm going to start running every day, which is why I thought this blog would be apt.

10.1 Mile Run at McDonogh

Mile 0.0 to Mile 2.0: 16:41
Mile 2.0 to Mile 2.45: 3:52
Mile 2.45 to Mile 3.75: 11:37
Mile 3.75 to Mile 4.4: 5:48
Mile 4.4 to Mile 5.05: 5:36
Mile 5.05 to Mile 6.35 11:37
Mile 6.35 to Mile 7.0: 5:47
Mile 7.0 to Mile 7.65: 5:31
Mile 7.65 to Mile 8.1: 4:00
Mile 8.1 to Mile 10.1: 18:24

Total: 89:08
Pace: 8:49